Twas the night before Alec's 7th birthday, and all through the house,
the smell of freshly baked pizza dough
and the sound of mixing cake batter,
the reality of incoming guests and upcoming festivities in the air.
The children were all watching a movie
and Darrell putting the finishing touches on a newly fixed garage door,
while I put the cake in the oven
and await our Maryland guests.
When from the oven
drafted such an odor,
one of our children claimed it smelled
like rotten eggs and not chocolate batter.
We all peer into the oven to find
Alec's half-baked cake
and an oven that had stopped working,
not a good sign.
And then there came,
a knock on our door,
our Maryland friends,
our birthday super heroes!
Here comes Jessica, then Chris,
then Rebekah, and Caleb,
in topples Elijah with Haddie,
and last but not least, Galilee!
All is not lost,
Jessica says with a smile,
the cake will be saved,
and the party will go on!
So on Saturday we did pull off,
quite a nice Lego Star Wars birthday party,
the cake finished at a neighbors house,
and the oven fixed by Darrell just in time!!!!!
Jessica sketching Darth Vadar onto a white board......
and leading a popular game of "Lego Man Says...."
the finished Darth Vadar.......
Pin the light sabar onto Darth Vadar.....
an intense round of Lego Collaboration....
and all party guests were involved....
with the finished product.
Darrell blessing the birthday boy....
older helpers....
the girls of the party and the youngest attendee...
the cake!
Alec had an excellent time with everyone who attended his party. Thank you to the friends who came and a very special thank you to the Shullenbarger would have been very hard to have pulled this one off without you!!!