This 2018-2019 school year....well, it's a big one for us at the Jerome house.
In November, this one will turn 13
In February, this one will turn 18
In April, this one will turn 16
And then we will have our first graduation
I started praying and thinking about this year last spring. Not obsessively, but with intentionality - going into this year filled with milestones, last-firsts, and the emotions of graduating a first-born - I wanted to be prepared. God is in control of this year and I know that He wants me to be present for whatever lies ahead. So, I said "no" to some opportunities, scaled back my hours at my part-time job (thank you to Monica!), and did some organizing this summer.
So, there may be a lot of pictures on social media, and there may be few pictures and updates on social media...I do not know. What I do know is that I am living each day with certain priorities and everything else.....well, if it gets done - bonus - if it does not get done - it wasn't important.
That being said.....Evan is a Senior, Ann-Marie is a Sophomore, and Alec is a 7th grader. And I am so very thankful......