I didn't think I would be posting again until the big first day of school on Tuesday, but here it is. Alec has decided it is time for underwear! I'm so proud of my big boy (but I am not naive enough to think that I won't be dealing with many accidents for months to come!) The deal was if he pooped on the potty I would buy him big boy underwear. Well, yesterday was the day. He requested Diego and Thomas the Tank Engine underwear (and got Cars underwear as a bonus.....toddlers go through a lot of underwear!) I am not sad to see diapers go away, but I am a little sad to see less baby in Alec.
so cute ... how is he doing so far?
Very cute!! I am potty training Reagan right now too...I understand the need for many pairs of undies!!
I wish Trevor would do the "special underwear" thing. I 'm more scared to do the underwear thing and have to clean up the poo than he is to wear it and soil it. Yeah, Lumpy throat syndrome, all over. Miss you! Oh, and I put your blog link on mine ;)
Sorry about the last post, I left out the "I" in my sentence, it changed the whole meaning!
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