February is my family's big birthday month....the most important in our immediate family is Evan's birthday. In fact, I will hopefully be posting a link to my hometown newspaper in Iowa once they post the article about my Dad and step-mom having six birthdays in one week in February....one of which is Evan. Anyway, the night before Evan's birthday I told him, "This is the last day you'll be seven!" To which he immediately replied, "Yeah, and I start my ninth year tomorrow!" Wow! Where did the time go?
Here is how Evan spent his special day (his bowling party with friends and family is Sunday, so there will be a part two!) Our special birthday child always gets to plan the entire day of meals. Evan chose blueberry pancakes for breakfast (thanks the the importing of blueberries from Chile in February, this is not as expensive as it could be!) Then he opened one birthday present, which was a Steelers jersey - Hines Ward. He got to wear it to school which was very exciting for him.

Darrell made a surprise visit to Evan's school cafeteria at lunch and had lunch with the birthday boy. I made him cookies to take to school with him also.

After school, Evan opened present number two - Mario Kart for the Wii. He was totally surprised and really loves this game!

Dinner was spaghetti and my homemade turkey meatballs.

Since Evan will be getting his cake on Sunday, Ann-Marie spent all afternoon while Evan was at school making five EZ bake oven cakes. When Evan was told what Ann-Marie did for him, he got a huge grin on his face and said, "I love Ann-Marie's EZ bake cakes!"
We spent the evening having fun at our small group with friends. More cookies were made to take to the small group kids. Now our first baby is eight! Happy Birthday Evan!
happy birthday evan!
Mmmm... blueberry pancakes! I will have those soon in honor of Evan's birthday!
Happy birthday to Evan. He's such a cutie!!
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