Ahhhh....July. This is the month of true summer for our family. June is eaten up by the big Iowa trip and Camp Sonzone; while August we have two smaller trips and preparations for school. July typically is when we don't travel very far and we just enjoy. Now don't get me wrong, there's been plenty of "MOM I'M BORED!" and grocery shopping with all three kids still is not my favorite way to spend a morning, but for the most part we have been enjoying playdates, swimming, parks, picnics, and just being together. These pictures are from our Sunday afternoon...this is one of our favorite ways to spend a Sunday afternoon in the summer....pack up a BBQ and head to Moraine State Park for a late afternoon day on the lake.

The water was pretty cold yet, so there was a lot of digging holes in the sand with other kids.

Darrell bought a portable grill and it works like a charm! There's my personal chef!

And what a guy.....he even braved the cold water to take the kids out for a short swim.

So, not many July blog posts, but I've been trying to take this month and just spend time with Darrell and the kids. I guess we're on kind of a "staycation"....now if I only had one of those people to come in and cook and clean, I'd be set! Enjoy your July!!!!!
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