I look down at my hands
and what do I see?
Hands that look similar
to the ones that once held me.
The veins and the lines
crisscrossing once smooth skin,
I would not change this aging process
erasing the memories within.
I watch as the smooth skin
of my daughter's hand reaches for mine,
what will she remember
about our together time?
Closing my eyes
feeling smooth against rough
memories flood in,
new memories made by a single touch.
and what do I see?
Hands that look similar
to the ones that once held me.
The veins and the lines
crisscrossing once smooth skin,
I would not change this aging process
erasing the memories within.
I watch as the smooth skin
of my daughter's hand reaches for mine,
what will she remember
about our together time?
Closing my eyes
feeling smooth against rough
memories flood in,
new memories made by a single touch.
Absolutely beautiful Paul! Thank you for being so transparent and open with your feelings.
Oops! I should proof-read before I hit publish!!!
Your name is PaulA :)
what a beautiful post. it almost made me cry. thanks for sharing this
Very beautiful Paula!
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